September and babí léto
Dusk around 8 p.m.
If the weather works in your favor, you can enjoy a beautiful babí léto, which is similar to Indian Summer but comes earlier – in the second half of September and sometimes stretching into October. Babí léto is our last chance in the year to enjoy warm, sunny, summery days with clear blue skies.
Dusk around 7 p.m.
True fall usually comes in October and lasts through November. October is typically chilly (10-14°C/48-57°F) with a mixture of rainy and sunny days. It can be a beautiful month thanks to the changing colors of the leaves and, in some years, enough gorgeous days to enjoy. Make sure you check the weather forecast and bring an umbrella.
Dusk around 5 p.m.
Mid-November is when the first snow usually falls and the temperatures drop below freezing. According to Czech weather lore, November 11, the day of St. Martin, is when we can expect the first snowfall. If it does snow, we say that Martin arrived on a white horse.

October 27

November 19